Getting started with MXL version 2

Table of Contents

Trial mode

Without a license a MXL product can be used for seven days with all features and no limitations. Trial mode requires an Internet connection.

For trial mode or if licensing is already set up, you may skip the next two sections and continue with the MXL Recorder.

License portal

Your purchased licenses are managed through X-Software’s license portal:

You should have received a temporary password for your first login. After logging in you see a list of your licenses. Please don’t forget to change your initial password.

License activation

A MXL product activates the license directly with Internet access to the license portal or offline by generating a request. This request is used to activate the license from an arbitrary device with Internet access to the license portal. The resulting activation response subsequently is applied on the offline computer by the MXL product.


With direct Internet access

In order to activate a license with direct Internet access to the license portal, execute the corresponding MXL product with the license key:

/opt/<PRODUCT>-2/bin/<PRODUCT> --activate-license <LICENSE_KEY>

Without direct Internet access

In order to activate a license without direct Internet access, execute the corresponding MXL product to generate an activation request:

/opt/<PRODUCT>-2/bin/<PRODUCT> --activate-license <LICENSE_KEY> --activation-request /tmp/activation-request.txt

On the license portal click the appropriate license, select “Activations” and then “Offline Activation”. Paste the activation request into the form and select “ACTIVATE” and then “Download Response”.

Activate the license by executing the corresponding MXL product with the activation response:

/opt/<PRODUCT>-2/bin/<PRODUCT> --activate-license <LICENSE_KEY> --activation-response /tmp/activation-request.txt

Hardware replacement

Partial hardware changes over the time are allowed, but have to be synchronised with X-Software’s license portal in order to keep the activation up to date. Otherwise the license may become unusable when too many hardware changes have accumulated.

In case of a complete hardware failure, X-Software may replace a license on their sole discretion.

MXL Recorder

System requirements

  • Linux distribution with glibc 4.8.5 or newer

Hardware acceleration

  • NVIDIA graphics cards compatible with driver version 396.24 or newer
  • Any graphics card supporting VA-API


Download the installation package to, e.g., the /tmp directory and make it executable:

cd /tmp
chmod a+x MXL_Recorder-2.*


Navigate to the directory, where the MXL Recorder should be installed, e.g. /opt, and execute the file with administrative privileges:

cd /opt
sudo /tmp/MXL_Recorder-2.*



After the installation the MXL Recorder must be configured by executing:

/opt/mxl_recorder-2/bin/mxl_recorder [ --gui ]


After the configuration the recording can be started using the following command:

/opt/mxl_recorder-2/bin/mxl_recorder /tmp/record.mkv

Send signal SIGTERM (e.g. by CTRL-C) to gracefully stop the recording. An ungraceful termination of the recorder makes the recorded file unseekable.

Starting the MXL Recorder with --help displays all command line arguments.

If you want to record a series of sequential files, the two shell scripts could serve as a starting point for your integration:

  • lets a running MXL Recorder close the current recorded file and start a new file without losing any frames. The closed file is archived according to its start time.
  • calls when the current recorded file reaches a certain size.


In order to remove the software execute the following command:

sudo /opt/mxl_recorder-2/bin/

MXL Player

System requirements

  • Linux distribution with glibc 4.8.5 or newer
  • For hardware acceleration with NVIDIA graphics cards, driver version 396.24 or newer is required

Hardware acceleration

  • NVIDIA graphics cards compatible with driver version 396.24 or newer
  • Any graphics card supporting VA-API


Download the installation package to, e.g., the /tmp directory and make it executable:

cd /tmp
chmod a+x MXL_Player-2.*


Navigate to the directory, where the MXL Player should be installed, e.g. /opt, and execute the file with administrative privileges:

cd /opt
sudo /tmp/MXL_Player-2.*


The MXL Player operates in two modes:

  • In default mode the user can access recorded files using a file chooser, drag and drop, or other desktop methods, and manage them in a playlist. The Editor extension is available if licensed.

  • In integrated mode the recorded files to be played cannot be chosen nor managed by the user, but are specified on the command line by the caller. The Editor extension is disabled.

The mode is specified on the command line, either default or integrated:

/opt/mxl_player-2/bin/mxl_player [mode] …

If no mode is specified, the MXL Player starts in the default mode.

Starting the MXL Player with --help displays all command line options for the active mode.

Default mode

The default mode provides a sortable playlist, an editor and full access to the filesystem.

To playback one or more recorded files use the following command:

/opt/mxl_player-2/bin/mxl_player [default] [options] [record_file(s)]

Integrated mode

In integrated mode the player does not have a playlist as all specified files are combined in a timeline by summing up the respective file durations. Individual files are not exposed by the interface, the file system cannot be accessed. The editor is disabled in this mode.

To playback one or more recorded files use the following command:

/opt/mxl_player-2/bin/mxl_player integrated [options] record_file(s)


In order to remove the software execute the following command:

sudo /opt/mxl_player-2/bin/